Web Design Services

Custom and mobile friendly websites that drive traffic, attract new customers and increase your sales.



Custom WordPress Websites Crafted For Your Business


We design custom WordPress websites for businesses of any size in long island and the surrounding areas.  Custom professional and attractive web design is crucial for large to small businesses. a recent study, indicates 4.5 billion people will access the internet in 2020 encompassing 59 percent of the global population. Web design has gone far beyond just pretty looking site with nice images. Websites need to help your company generate leads. Every website MJWEBEXPERTS creates starts with an in-depth consultation about your business and its needs. We make sure to identify your goals and make and action plan to achieve the right solution and meet your specific business needs. All of our custom WordPress websites are built with current best practices in the areas of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), User Experience (UX), and Mobile Friendly Responsive Visual Design.

Your custom WordPress website is being viewed on many different devices; Desktop monitors, Mobile Phones and tablets of all sizes. You need a website that performs at the highest of standards and is optimized on all of these devices. We only code response websites so it will automatically adapt itself to the resolution of the viewers’ screen. no matter what device your visitor is using, it will look and perform optimally, especially in a touch environment. In geek world this is known as “Responsive web Design “.

Our Process

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